

WTEC Energy Joins COVID-19 Fight With PPE4HEROES

PPE4HEROES is a COVID-19 non-profit support fund for front line healthcare providers in the United States.

WTEC Energy is leveraging our supply chain, manufacturing relationships, and procurement personnel in China to secure large supplies of PPE from certified manufacturers.  We are asking YOU, our families, friends and business partners to join us in donating supplies or funds to PPE4HEROES to provide PPE to hospitals in New York, New Jersey, and wherever there is a need across the U.S.


Our mission is to source, procure, and distribute PPE (primarily N-95 masks) to hospitals in the New York metro area and across the U.S. with the help of your PPE4HEROES donations.


PPE4HEROES is a non-profit charitable organization. 100% of your donations will go directly to the procurement, distribution, and delivery of PPE for front line healthcare workers. Our disbursement priority is to U.S. Emergency Rooms and hospitals where there are extensive COVID-19 cases, at-risk populations, or critical needs for PPE, such as the NY metropolitan area.

For additional information or to donate, visit PPE4HEROES.ORG.

Together we can make a difference!